The Second Night of Experimental Boredom

At the end of 2019 The Second Night of Experimental Boredom will take place, at 222lodge and in the city of Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

For this occasion we are looking for works of art, relevant to the subject, in every thinkable variety. Please send us videos, audios, text works, scores for performance or whatever you come up with. If you need us to execute your work, we will do that according to your instructions.

There will be a selection of quality and diversity in relation to the subject. We will also select on the feasibility of the submissions. And of course we prefer the works not to be boring.

Send your submissions, together with your name and web references, to:
Deadline: August 1, 2019. The program will be published in the first week of September.
Please understand, this is a no-budget organisation, so we cannot pay expenses!
We will keep you informed!

photo: Post-it disco: Greig Burgoyne © 2019

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